I've been away for a week, and disconnected from the Internet for these 7 days. And once I came back, I checked my email, I checked my facebook and felt, there's hell lot of stuff for me to catch up!! My mind just couldn't function properly and organize my tasks that have been piling up. So, this list is here to make things clear to myself >.<
1. Compiling FYP for archive purpose
2. Creating character for freelance
3. Designing website for my dad
4. Buying domain for my dad's website
5. Replying email for my future job opportunity
6. Preparing bloody portfolio for my future
7. Replying letter for my child
8. Switching telco
9. Buying new mobile phone
10. List a new-proper-to-do-list for year 2011
11. And a few that i have to do but shouldn't be stated here >.<
Once upon a time, there was a big fat lazy king who like to daydreaming in her castle. One day, she decided to take a walk in the garden hoping to bump into some handsome guys... And then, she met a whisperer in the labyrinth...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
New Boxes
I bought these two boxes last week, aren't they adorable? What are they for? Hehe, they will be the new home of all my fabrics for handmade crafts!
While listening to Hebe's new album, I started "setting-up" the boxes. Folding here and there, trying to figure out how to "construct" them. It took me some time and effort, coz I'm really not good in doing puzzles. And I was wondering how slow I'm compared to my sis and my dear. These should be a piece of cake for both of them and I believe they could complete in a glimpse!
Once settled, I swept the floor and cleaned the messy corner in my room that was full with boxes and books and many other stuff! And finally after two hours, I managed to tidy it up, and it looks so much better now.
I sometimes feel great and harmony while doing things alone, for example cleaning the room or doing the laundry. They are nothing special, yet I enjoy doing them, sometimes, alone.
I'm satisfied. ^_^
Saturday, November 6, 2010
My love and archery
The first post after 5 months of missing in action, is anyone still care if I would ever blog again? Well, it doesn't matter, does it? I blog for myself, I live for myself. (and of course for the people who I love!)
Looking backwards now, I felt like I've again wasted a lot of time and didn't gain much achievement. I admit that I'm foolish and so I always look at the bright side~ XD Even though I've been neglecting my mission, I'm still satisfied with what I've done because there were a lot of memorable moments. What mission you have? Nah, just a very simple one - improve myself everyday even for a little bit so that I will never stay on the same spot for too long.
I joined the archery club in the university and fell in love with it, so so much! Joined a friendly battle between Cyberjaya and Malacca campuses, it was really a great experience. Now it's the new trimester, and I finally get to play it again after 2 months. A junior tournament is coming soon, feel excited yet nervous. Can't play as good as before and there's only one week left for practice, but I will not give up! I love everything about archery but not the sunburn I got from it, I don't like my tanned-skin. T.T Someday, I shall get myself a bow and arrows when I'm getting better! :D
The person who brought me into archery is someone who came into my life few months ago - the little guy in the pic above. I swear that I've never expected myself going out with someone younger than me. >_<" In the end, love is blind and age doesn't matter, at all. Thanks for everything you have taught me so far, I'm happy that things turn out this way. And I'm sorry for hurting you, I know I did... And thank you again for accepting who I am, the way I am. :) You're precious to me!
In another 2 months time, it will be 2011! I should do something to make a beautiful ending and welcome the brand new year! Gambatte~!
Looking backwards now, I felt like I've again wasted a lot of time and didn't gain much achievement. I admit that I'm foolish and so I always look at the bright side~ XD Even though I've been neglecting my mission, I'm still satisfied with what I've done because there were a lot of memorable moments. What mission you have? Nah, just a very simple one - improve myself everyday even for a little bit so that I will never stay on the same spot for too long.
Playing with Photoshop again... look at ma tummy!! :D (photo taken by Cheryl)
I joined the archery club in the university and fell in love with it, so so much! Joined a friendly battle between Cyberjaya and Malacca campuses, it was really a great experience. Now it's the new trimester, and I finally get to play it again after 2 months. A junior tournament is coming soon, feel excited yet nervous. Can't play as good as before and there's only one week left for practice, but I will not give up! I love everything about archery but not the sunburn I got from it, I don't like my tanned-skin. T.T Someday, I shall get myself a bow and arrows when I'm getting better! :D
The person who brought me into archery is someone who came into my life few months ago - the little guy in the pic above. I swear that I've never expected myself going out with someone younger than me. >_<" In the end, love is blind and age doesn't matter, at all. Thanks for everything you have taught me so far, I'm happy that things turn out this way. And I'm sorry for hurting you, I know I did... And thank you again for accepting who I am, the way I am. :) You're precious to me!
In another 2 months time, it will be 2011! I should do something to make a beautiful ending and welcome the brand new year! Gambatte~!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Kelantan Trip 01
Finally get some time to touch up the "noisy" trip photos which once broke my heart. It was fun at the beginning when I was overwhelmed by the power of digital editing. but somehow i am getting sick of it now while there are still piles of them awaiting. Below are some chosen one and there might be some others coming soon, or maybe not.
a scale model in a workshop
an ordinary construction land, washed by a long rain;
a clear blue sky, contrast with a muddy land;
reflection appears, miracle happens.
a small dock by the river
courage and bravery in exchange of splendid photographs
on the way back to hotel, crossing the Sungai Kelantan
Monday, May 31, 2010
Short update
A cat who seems to like me (or the camera) and kept approaching while we're studying the environment at the riverbank.
Couldn't stand facing the PC without any progress, I went to bed early yesterday at about 11, woke up at 7 in the morning, went jogging alone, wondering how long I could keep this up.
Received an order from team leader in the evening, another submission for the freelance job next week. BURPPPP!!!! I can't run anymore, can I? still in the holiday mood. you can't imagine how fed up I am sitting in front of the PC...
I want to go home this weekend!
so I can bring my younger sis makan-makan once she comes back from NS.
so I can grab the latest Mina magazine.
so I can... go shopping again??
Today feel pretty depressed after discovered my photos during the Kelantan trip are full of noises. CARELESS COULD KILL! it kills my heart this time. so hurt so sad so disappointed. I was so excited to check out my photos because I believed that I had some improvement during the trip. Yet in the end mostly are ruined by my careless. :(
It feels like you have been spending efforts taking very good care of a tree and were happily watching the fruits growing. But in the end, you got dumped from heaven to hell just to notice that the fruits that look good from outside have actually being infected from the inside since the very BEGINNING!!!
Wish I could edit and sort the photos right away and blog about the trip, but job, money and responsibility come first. Will have to leave it until next week (if I could control myself).
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Because it's you
Because of you,
I start drawing again,
on paper, with markers,
It's not a perfect drawing,
but I like it,
because it's you.
Hope you like it too,
Thank you.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
April - Shits happened!
As titled, April, a shits-happened-month. Have been so busy with a lot of stuff, and is still busy-ing. For the job, we were able to finish our first milestone on time, which is great. For my life, I finally moved to the MMU staff apartment, but had an unpleasant argument with the new tenants who are going to stay with my lovely housemates. I never felt sorry for intending to break the promise, but I felt really bad and regret for keeping this good-for-nothing promise (actually is being forced to) which could caused them trouble in the future. Now I realized that I could be inhuman for the sake of those I love. But too bad I'm still not fierce enough to fight against those thick-skinned aliens!!!
Woke up yesterday midnight because this piece of shit just pierced into my mind and never stopped bugging me until I doddle it out in my PC. The phrase that came along with it was,
"a great photographer is a person who could turn a bull shit into a HOLY SHIT!"
no, i'm not trying to make fun of the photographers out there, but this is my other way of praising them (though i know not everyone could understand the joke?) I believe that great photographers usually have their very own perspectives in telling stories through their lens. They capture the moments, the souls which we normally unaware of. For example, instead of shooting the rubbish in the refuse dump, they could give you the innocent faces with beautiful souls who are trying hard to survive by collecting the wastes from the others.
Photographs that are not only empty shells, I hope I could do something like that someday.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
it's indeed the most achingly beautiful song i've ever listened to.
their Hallelujah is so hurt that i wanna cry when they repeating it,
again and again.
again and again.
A song introduced by Sam, she showed me the version by Rufus Wainwright,
which is one of the soundtrack from Shrek.
which is one of the soundtrack from Shrek.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Letter for you

What to write to a little boy whose family is suffering from poverty? Showing too much of sympathy would seem too awkward isn't it? So I have been plotting out the content and finally started writing this morning, in KISS form - "keep it short and simple". I used colourful pens so that it doesn't look too formal, and hopefully he will like it.
Now that there is only a sheet of paper. I wonder what else I could add in... perhaps some doodle?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Money matters

Too bad I will not be able to enjoy this privilege after a month or two as I will be moving to the staff apartment. Ah, so sad. It's all because of money matters, it really really does matter.
I believe everyone has their own dreams, beautiful dreams. While most of the time, the main villain that stops them from reaching the dreams is "money", don't you agree? I've been counting my monthly incomes and expenses over and over again. Rental, bills, study loan, personal supplies, parent's need, etc. The conclusion is always the same, merely RM2,000 per month is only sufficient for my "present", it can never secure my "future". The only way out is to get more freelance/part-time jobs.
Oh God, could you generously dump some money down to me? :D
The career talk by Fei from Igloo Digital Arts struck my mind and kind of woke me up. Be it handmade artist, illustrator, photographer or makeup artist, they all couldn't make myself a living for now. So I should focus back on my dream in creating games and animations. I should prove myself some achievement in this field before I reach my thirty. As for the others, I believe it is never too late to pick them up in the future when I wish to slow down my pace. In short, I have sorta clear up some fogs that block my views all these times.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Quiz: Get to know yourself better
I have taken this quiz a few months ago, but it seems like the result for now is a little bit different.
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
I think, I am intelligent and honest and sometimes sweet lol. I ain't friendly to everybody, but I do afraid of conflict. I wonder if people really like to talk to me... but I believe those who did would be regret, as I'm more to a listener.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
I do believe that I'm a romantic person. But this cannot be confirmed unless it truly happens. After all, I love myself the most.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you meet that person.
I guess I am ready anytime, precisely, I'm waiting for him haha. But how am I suppose to know that you're my Mr. Right?
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
This is, damn TRUE.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
I'm always happy to learn new things, with the condition that I'm interested in them.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
Another darn true fact... when I discover more and more stuff, I start to lost focus, which is my main trouble now.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
I'm always confident in my own ability haha. Yet I don't think I could choose my own career now, my parents would stop me from turning my ship wheel.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
I'm a person who barely takes risk and always stays inside the safe and comfortable zone. I can't foresee my future as I could only manage my present. Do I really show my anger that often?
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Haha, I could never give any good advice as I'm lack of knowledge and experience. Come to me only if you wish to fail. And yes, there is so much things that I need to solve with my heart, now.
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
I think, I am intelligent and honest and sometimes sweet lol. I ain't friendly to everybody, but I do afraid of conflict. I wonder if people really like to talk to me... but I believe those who did would be regret, as I'm more to a listener.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
I do believe that I'm a romantic person. But this cannot be confirmed unless it truly happens. After all, I love myself the most.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you meet that person.
I guess I am ready anytime, precisely, I'm waiting for him haha. But how am I suppose to know that you're my Mr. Right?
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
This is, damn TRUE.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
I'm always happy to learn new things, with the condition that I'm interested in them.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
Another darn true fact... when I discover more and more stuff, I start to lost focus, which is my main trouble now.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
I'm always confident in my own ability haha. Yet I don't think I could choose my own career now, my parents would stop me from turning my ship wheel.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
I'm a person who barely takes risk and always stays inside the safe and comfortable zone. I can't foresee my future as I could only manage my present. Do I really show my anger that often?
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Haha, I could never give any good advice as I'm lack of knowledge and experience. Come to me only if you wish to fail. And yes, there is so much things that I need to solve with my heart, now.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
sum - March
Time really does fly. Another month is gone, in a glimpse. So what I've done in this March? Luckily, there are much more things to be shared and recorded compare to February!
It has been a long long while since the last time I did "books-shopping". My thirst of books reached its limit and burst! Moreover, the promotion prices for the members were way too tempting. In the end I bought a tons of books and broke my own records for spending hundreds in a row. All the books are in Chinese, and NONE is relates to my profession. :p
Next, I bought my first ever cosmetic products after reading Kevin's books;
1. KATE liquid foundation
2. KATE pressed powder
3. Majolica Majorca rouge majex
4. K-Palette eyebrow liner (I actually thought it was eye liner T_T)
5. ZA eyes shadow (the colours are too light to me...)
And finally, I get to sponsored a child through World Vision Malaysia. Received the letter containing the child's information last week, he is a little boy from Thailand. :) I could spend hundreds on books, on cosmetics, on myself, every month. So I shouldn't have any excuse not to sponsor at least RM50 per month, to help a child who is living under shadow of poverty, right? I can do it, you can do it! So my friends, when are you going to join the force? Will elaborate on this more next time, wanna create some pressure that makes you feel guilty and take your action immediately!

1. KATE liquid foundation
2. KATE pressed powder
3. Majolica Majorca rouge majex
4. K-Palette eyebrow liner (I actually thought it was eye liner T_T)
5. ZA eyes shadow (the colours are too light to me...)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thank You
It was such a bad day until I wanted to cry.
Besides not feeling well, a lot of things went wrong.
Luckily my housemates were by my side.
Thank you Sam and Liz, you both saved my life today.
Is this a hint from the God that I shouldn't move away but stay with you?
Besides not feeling well, a lot of things went wrong.
Luckily my housemates were by my side.
Thank you Sam and Liz, you both saved my life today.
Is this a hint from the God that I shouldn't move away but stay with you?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Cute Little Cherry Tomato

After having "lunch" at about 4pm, I went to the supermarket and got myself this cute healthy fruit - cherry tomato! I only bought 2 packs as I thought it would be sufficient for one week... But, I have already finished up half pack of it just now in few minutes. I like its taste too much that I can't resist!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
sum - February
This February was indeed a very short month that flew by too fast. Frankly it was an unproductive month that I can't list out any achievement. Anyway, there were some memorable incidents though, birthday surprises from my dear, my brother's buddy and colleagues; and CNY gathering which let me eat and sleep and play at ease until I gained so much weight in such a short week time. (Nuuuuuuuu... it's pretty horrible that I can no longer fit into my pants D;)
Besides, our mother earth has been emo-ing as we human being are taking her for granted. The weather here was extremely hot that my bed was being "cooked" during daytime, and it "keeps warm" until nightime. It is so uncomfortable to sleep on so I just hug my pillow and curl up on the hard cold floor. I guess that was how I defeated and fell sick. (It seems like a lot more people are getting sick, so please do take very good care of yourself!!)
FYI, my works are finally piling up, it's a lag back due to the CNY holiday. aaaaa but I feel so tired to face them now with such weak body... I wish I could have more rest and sleep. (T___T) I wonder why 7 hours sleep per day is never enough for me... Could it be the result of stubbornly being night owl for the pass few years? Well, I'm old.
Besides, our mother earth has been emo-ing as we human being are taking her for granted. The weather here was extremely hot that my bed was being "cooked" during daytime, and it "keeps warm" until nightime. It is so uncomfortable to sleep on so I just hug my pillow and curl up on the hard cold floor. I guess that was how I defeated and fell sick. (It seems like a lot more people are getting sick, so please do take very good care of yourself!!)
FYI, my works are finally piling up, it's a lag back due to the CNY holiday. aaaaa but I feel so tired to face them now with such weak body... I wish I could have more rest and sleep. (T___T) I wonder why 7 hours sleep per day is never enough for me... Could it be the result of stubbornly being night owl for the pass few years? Well, I'm old.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A bit, disappointed
Moobot, inspired by Machinarium

Fruity Milks, which flavour are you?

The result of the Cow Design is out. I'm disappointed that none of my designs get selected as best designs. Yet I still like my moomoos very much, especially the Moobot, I enjoyed drawing it very much! :D
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
ラブシャッフル (Love Shuffle)

Dear all, perhaps I've been blogging too actively lately which gives you trouble in following up. But sharing is caring, I should not keep these wonderful stuff for myself right? :P
So the good news of today is my 1st character is finally settled and accepted by the client which lured me to take a break tonight and unsealed my laziness and switched on my long-awaited-drama-fever and ended up staying in front of the computer for 3 hours continuously since dinner. (Yes you have to read it without a single pause.)
And here, I introduce you the J-drama - Love Shuffle. I'm not good in giving comment and rating, so click here if you are interested. What I like about the drama is that, at some points, it could make you burst into laughter with your hands clapping or even strike the table and shout bravo. Oh and one of the essential elements, the hot guys and cute girls. :D
To be honest, I've been carried away by all those Korea dramas full of pretty girls and boys for quite a long while. There was once I felt that I'm getting farther and farther away from my beloved Japan. *is stabbed*
Thanks to Love Shuffle, I believe that my loyalty is still not so wavered yet.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Color Career Counselor
Do you believe that colours could define your personalities, and even the career that is more suitable for you? If you're curious about it, take your test here. It will only take you about 1 minute to complete. *wink
Below are my results, so I guess I'm on the right path? YIPPIE~! :D
But I know I should dive even deeper into it, and I surely will.
Best Occupational Category
You're a CREATOR
Keywords: Nonconforming, Impulsive, Expressive, Romantic, Intuitive, Sensitive, and Emotional
These original types place a high value on aesthetic qualities and have a great need for self-expression. They enjoy working independently, being creative, using their imagination, and constantly learning something new. Fields of interest are art, drama, music, and writing or places where they can express, assemble, or implement creative ideas.
Suggested careers are Advertising Executive, Architect, Web Designer, Creative Director, Public Relations, Fine or Commercial Artist, Interior Decorator, Lawyer, Librarian, Musician, Reporter, Art Teacher, Broadcaster, Technical Writer, English Teacher, Architect, Photographer, Medical Illustrator, Corporate Trainer, Author, Editor, Landscape Architect, Exhibit Builder, and Package Designer.
Consider workplaces where you can create and improve beauty and aesthetic qualities. Unstructured, flexible organizations that allow self-expression work best with your free-spirited nature.Suggested Creator workplaces are advertising, public relations, and interior decorating firms; artistic studios, theaters and concert halls; institutions that teach crafts, universities, music, and dance schools. Other work places to consider are art institutes, museums, libraries, and galleries.
2nd Best Occupational Category
Keywords: Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate
These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.
Below are my results, so I guess I'm on the right path? YIPPIE~! :D
But I know I should dive even deeper into it, and I surely will.
Best Occupational Category
You're a CREATOR
Keywords: Nonconforming, Impulsive, Expressive, Romantic, Intuitive, Sensitive, and Emotional
These original types place a high value on aesthetic qualities and have a great need for self-expression. They enjoy working independently, being creative, using their imagination, and constantly learning something new. Fields of interest are art, drama, music, and writing or places where they can express, assemble, or implement creative ideas.
Suggested careers are Advertising Executive, Architect, Web Designer, Creative Director, Public Relations, Fine or Commercial Artist, Interior Decorator, Lawyer, Librarian, Musician, Reporter, Art Teacher, Broadcaster, Technical Writer, English Teacher, Architect, Photographer, Medical Illustrator, Corporate Trainer, Author, Editor, Landscape Architect, Exhibit Builder, and Package Designer.
Consider workplaces where you can create and improve beauty and aesthetic qualities. Unstructured, flexible organizations that allow self-expression work best with your free-spirited nature.Suggested Creator workplaces are advertising, public relations, and interior decorating firms; artistic studios, theaters and concert halls; institutions that teach crafts, universities, music, and dance schools. Other work places to consider are art institutes, museums, libraries, and galleries.
2nd Best Occupational Category
Keywords: Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate
These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.
Squash Squash!
Played squash with Yunyi, it was my first time.
Thanks to her, I get to know about squash better.
I have always thought that squash is actually similar to tennis,
while the only difference is that you need to hit the ball to the wall.
And today, only I realize, I was such an idiot! (in this case only)
Even the racquet and the ball are actually different!
I tended to play it the way I played the badminton.
But there is no way you can hit the rubber ball like a shuttlecock.
Sometimes it bounced so hard that I couldn't control it. >.<
And sometimes, I swung too high that it hit the ceiling. -__-
Anyway, I'm too tired to elaborate any further.
I could feel the aches all over my body tomorrow. *pain pain
There are a lot of things I should do tonight.
But I guess I'm better off after settle the works for my client.
I seriously need some rest.
Sore jaa, oyasuminasai~
Thanks to her, I get to know about squash better.
I have always thought that squash is actually similar to tennis,
while the only difference is that you need to hit the ball to the wall.
And today, only I realize, I was such an idiot! (in this case only)
Even the racquet and the ball are actually different!
I tended to play it the way I played the badminton.
But there is no way you can hit the rubber ball like a shuttlecock.
Sometimes it bounced so hard that I couldn't control it. >.<
And sometimes, I swung too high that it hit the ceiling. -__-
Anyway, I'm too tired to elaborate any further.
I could feel the aches all over my body tomorrow. *pain pain
There are a lot of things I should do tonight.
But I guess I'm better off after settle the works for my client.
I seriously need some rest.
Sore jaa, oyasuminasai~
Sunday, February 7, 2010
How do you do?
It was my birthday, there isn't any big celebration or so because I'm not a sociable person. But I met up with my dear friend SiaoWei. As always, you are so good to me, and you never forget about my birthday. Thank you very much for the lovely present and the meal.
I was really glad to hear that you found a job that you like and I truly admire your courage! However, I felt sad at the same time to know that we will be apart soon, very very soon. Promise me my dear, please take good care of yourself there. I wish you to be blessed with health, happiness, and true friendship there, so you will never be alone. Be keep in touch ok?
I will miss you, very very much! muackz! :)
There goes the 1st month of 2010. How are u all doing? I hope it is a greater year for each and every of us.
Well for me, it is a good start, and I believe it'd be the most interesting year I've ever had. While I'm no longer a student, I don't need to spend all days and nights on my assignments, stressing out always just to score better for my results. Instead, I work in the daytime and have the full freedom to utilize my nighttime now. Gosh I really love my live now.
To list out a few things that I've achieved so far,
1. I draw more now, and have joined 2 contests.
2. I mended my own clothes, and have bought some fabrics for future plans.
3. I tried to play with paper clay, though it is a failure.
4. I read more now, not books, but the blogs by awesome artists.
5. I read about fashion magazine, which makes me spend more haha.
6. I take some freelance jobs that earn me extra income, experience, and better portfolio.
My wishes for 2010?
1. Live happily and healthily with my family and friends.
2. To figure out what I really want in my life.
3. To meet my sparkling prince! :D
I was really glad to hear that you found a job that you like and I truly admire your courage! However, I felt sad at the same time to know that we will be apart soon, very very soon. Promise me my dear, please take good care of yourself there. I wish you to be blessed with health, happiness, and true friendship there, so you will never be alone. Be keep in touch ok?
I will miss you, very very much! muackz! :)
There goes the 1st month of 2010. How are u all doing? I hope it is a greater year for each and every of us.
Well for me, it is a good start, and I believe it'd be the most interesting year I've ever had. While I'm no longer a student, I don't need to spend all days and nights on my assignments, stressing out always just to score better for my results. Instead, I work in the daytime and have the full freedom to utilize my nighttime now. Gosh I really love my live now.
To list out a few things that I've achieved so far,
1. I draw more now, and have joined 2 contests.
2. I mended my own clothes, and have bought some fabrics for future plans.
3. I tried to play with paper clay, though it is a failure.
4. I read more now, not books, but the blogs by awesome artists.
5. I read about fashion magazine, which makes me spend more haha.
6. I take some freelance jobs that earn me extra income, experience, and better portfolio.
My wishes for 2010?
1. Live happily and healthily with my family and friends.
2. To figure out what I really want in my life.
3. To meet my sparkling prince! :D
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Dell Design Studio: X-Possible

In my opinion, the cover of the laptop is what we’ll see everyday whenever we are using it. Therefore, my intention was to apply a design which could motivate us in living our daily life and also fulfilling our dream. In short, it aims to encourage a positive thinking when facing challenges.
The main theme is to make every impossible possible - the “X” is used to eliminate the prefix “im”. Besides, the design consists of several enlightening quotations by the famous achievers whose names are also included. Last but not least, the circular graphic that blends into the background symbolize our human eye which is the window to our soul. Oh and, the focus is on Dell logo. :D
This is the one and only submission I have for the Dell Studio Design contest. FYI, the idea is by my younger brother, and my task was to convert his sketch to a presentable design.
Why didn't you create your own idea and design? Here is the story.
At the beginning, I couldn't wait to join the competition because the prizes are so so so tempting. But when browsing through the entries, I got very disappointed to discover a lot of art thieves who simply took others' art and claimed it their owns. Some of them even submitted several stolen arts and aimed to win by quantity instead of quality. It was such a letdown and I lost my spirit and interest to take part in it.
However, few days before the deadline, I was again spirited up by my brother's idea. He couldn't draw well, but his idea is way brilliant than mine which made me felt that I should never turn it down. And he said, just because there are so many shameless art thieves out there, so we ought to join with our very own effort and sincerity and KICK THEIR ASS! He's truly rox isn't he? :)
So below are several other designs, some sort of the progress before I get to the final one. Take a good look at the sketch and the 1st design done by my brother, believe it or not, that was where everything started.

Funny things happened when I was trying to trace the "impossible" font design using the Adobe Illustrator. I believe most of the multimedia designers can get their hands over it, but I struggled so much and so long and yet it killed me. In the end, I switched to 3ds Max (the tool I'm most familiar with) and traced using the spline tool and then render. m(_ _)m
I still find it hilarious to accomplish it that way. Vector kills.
At the end of the day, I decided to submit another version of it. Which do you prefer?

Why didn't you create your own idea and design? Here is the story.
At the beginning, I couldn't wait to join the competition because the prizes are so so so tempting. But when browsing through the entries, I got very disappointed to discover a lot of art thieves who simply took others' art and claimed it their owns. Some of them even submitted several stolen arts and aimed to win by quantity instead of quality. It was such a letdown and I lost my spirit and interest to take part in it.
However, few days before the deadline, I was again spirited up by my brother's idea. He couldn't draw well, but his idea is way brilliant than mine which made me felt that I should never turn it down. And he said, just because there are so many shameless art thieves out there, so we ought to join with our very own effort and sincerity and KICK THEIR ASS! He's truly rox isn't he? :)
So below are several other designs, some sort of the progress before I get to the final one. Take a good look at the sketch and the 1st design done by my brother, believe it or not, that was where everything started.

Funny things happened when I was trying to trace the "impossible" font design using the Adobe Illustrator. I believe most of the multimedia designers can get their hands over it, but I struggled so much and so long and yet it killed me. In the end, I switched to 3ds Max (the tool I'm most familiar with) and traced using the spline tool and then render. m(_ _)m
I still find it hilarious to accomplish it that way. Vector kills.
At the end of the day, I decided to submit another version of it. Which do you prefer?

Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Burning Moon

I was attracted by this splendid scene while looking through my windows this evening. It must be very windy up there, can you see the difference of the clouds? They looks beautiful while being illuminated by the moon, aren't they?
I took the opportunity to experiment the white balance settings of my camera.
1. Auto - I don't really fond of this as it always gives a dull effect
2. Shade - my all time favourite as it provides a warm feeling
3. Cloudy - never used it before, but it really gave me a surprise this time
4. Incandescent- rarely use this as it tends to make everything blue
All in all, I like the illusion of the burning moon very much. Feel great to be able to snapped it down and shared with you all. Besides, I am also happy with the outcome of combining the four, and also the contrast created by the cubical building below. :)
The Challenge
It is not easy to shoot photos during night as it is too dark and hence the shutter speed is slower which could lead to handshaking and blurry images. While not having tripod with me, I grabbed whatever (chair, box, book, puncher, cellphone, etc.) in my room that could be used as replacement. It was a racing game with the clouds as they changed swiftly and sometimes I have to wait for a few minutes when the moon was covered totally. Patience is needed for photography! :)
The Misunderstanding
It seemed like my act of shooting had somehow alerted the people staying opposite. Sorry to make you worry, I wasn't trying to be a paparazzi that stalks you. I am just a gentle-king who wish to cherish this beautiful moment.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Moo Moo Prince!

It is a moody Saturday that I can't get myself to work on the freelance job (yea I'm broke but yet the money can't seduce me XD) I need something new to play with, and this invitation from facebook came across my mind.
Instead of watching the animes that can never be finished, I decided to play with this cow! Honestly I actually wished to print it out and draw with my hand, but my printer uhhhh... nvm, let's start out with a vector design, will doodle it with colour pens next week!
So as you can see, this is my first-not-so-satiesfied-design which is a total failure, durh... not going to submit this for now. I wanted to make her a prince, even though I know she has teats. But don't you think prince is cooler than princess? Just like I am making myself a king instead of a queen! I know I am a freak :D Hail to the King!
So if it has been a while (or decades) since the last time you drew, it is time to dig out your tools and start doodle! For more information, read here. Have fun!
Monday, January 18, 2010
I Love My Job

So as a 3D artist, my job was to shoot some photographs of the environment, both indoors and outdoors, as reference for modelling and texturing. I was kind of enjoying myself and eventually I was kind of slacking around... *under gloomy introspection...
At the end of the day, Reza and Alif wondered why I looked so delight. Well, the answer is simple! You get to travel for free (sponsored by company) and yet you get paid (you're working during the trip), so shouldn't you embrace it and be grateful for how lucky you are? So in the future, we will be able to travel around Malaysia where the heritage buildings located. No more sweet-talking all years with the computers in the studio! It's good as it refreshes your minds.
And so, I love my job, more and more now. :)

As an experiment, Gatya lent me her sunglasses while Yunyi took a photo for me...
Yunyi: Stand beside the door~
Jun: OK.
Yunyi: Don't stand like a wood there, pose something~
Jun: er....
*Bee-beep! KA CHAK!*
Yunyi: Nice one, can make it your profile pic at Facebook!
*Like I'll ever do that.... I must have been crazy. Anyway, just for fun! :D

Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Runaway Santa

Today I bumped into our beloved Santa Claus.
He was not in his trademarked red suit, but a dark leisuresuit.
He was not bringing a sackful of presents, but a little red backpack.
I clicked on the shutter hastily and Santa was caught on my camera.
He was surprised and gave me a wink with his kind smile as always.
"Don't let the elves and reindeer find out, I'm on my vacation!"
Whispered the Santa.
Whispered the Santa.
*Santa spotted at Malacca*
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My Lovely Wedges

As requested by Yu Zi, here is the photo of the lovely new year present for myself.
I can't stop loving this adorable design as I believe that it beautifies whoever that wears it, or at least, your legs will be in a better proportion to the rest of your body. And yes, I absolutely love the way it makes me look taller~ XD Well, it did bite, but only once which is on the first day I wore it to the studio. But afterwards, we both get along pretty well.
My main concern now is how long it could last... As you can see, the lower part is woven and it is not water-resistant. T^T Therefore, I have been taking very good care of it! Wipe it with dry clothes when it is wet, while clean it with wet clothes when it gets dirty. So babe, stay with me, ok? >.<
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Reasons
I've stopped blogging for a few months because I felt that most of my posts were somehow meaningless. Furthermore, I always take such a long time just to write a simple post! In short, I once felt that I have been wasting time and efforts to blog things that bored others to death...
So dear my friends, why am I blogging again? Because recently I have an urge to share with you all the lovely things that I have discovered. I came across a lot of beautiful stuff which inspired me and gave me a hankering (but also cupidity) for a better lifestyle.
So from now on, I will blog about everything in my daily life, from extremely big things to tiny little things, as long as they are parts of my happiness. Hopefully some of them can draw a smile on your face too. =)
Forget about the blog title, I'm just a dreamer who likes fantasy, you will never get to see a realistic heading in my blog. :D Oh and, I might change it anytime on a whim too. But don't worry, the URL will forever be fixed with this King-Jun.
As for the blog design, I don't think I have time to create a brand new design for it now as my hands are full with lotsa new plans that I can't wait to execute. So please bare with it for now, I mean, myself. XD
So dear my friends, why am I blogging again? Because recently I have an urge to share with you all the lovely things that I have discovered. I came across a lot of beautiful stuff which inspired me and gave me a hankering (but also cupidity) for a better lifestyle.
So from now on, I will blog about everything in my daily life, from extremely big things to tiny little things, as long as they are parts of my happiness. Hopefully some of them can draw a smile on your face too. =)
Forget about the blog title, I'm just a dreamer who likes fantasy, you will never get to see a realistic heading in my blog. :D Oh and, I might change it anytime on a whim too. But don't worry, the URL will forever be fixed with this King-Jun.
As for the blog design, I don't think I have time to create a brand new design for it now as my hands are full with lotsa new plans that I can't wait to execute. So please bare with it for now, I mean, myself. XD
The blog is currently open to public now, as I wish to get to know new friends around the world who has the same interests (and that's the reason why most of the posts will be written in English). But well, I might switch it to private later on if there is unwelcome guest. So, sorry in advance.
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